
Looking to buy?

Want to buy a property?

Your Sutton realtor will support you in the process of buying a new property and will take care of all procedures. Once you will have provided proper information on your needs and budget, we will take the necessary steps to:

  • Determine your purchasing power
  • Help you choose your new home
  • Secure a deposit and financing

As a real estate professional, your realtor acts as a third party negotiator. I will give you the protection that comes with real estate brokerage and I will make sure your needs are taken into account in the transaction. I will also put at your disposal a full team of:

  • Surveyors
  • Lenders
  • Notaries
  • Building inspectors
  • Cooperating sales people
  • Accredited appraisers
Gaston Lambert inc.

Gaston Lambert inc.



Got questions? House visit?

Write to Gaston Lambert inc. to get all the details on this property.